with Steve Derpack
"Serendipity is defined as the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Sounds like another way to describe MUSIC, to me. So, then let’s do that, shall we?"
Steve Derpack is a musician, promoter, born and raised in YEG. Has played hundreds of shows, and has booked over a thousand of them. Likes all kinds of music, but almost no kinds of vegetables. We agree, it IS pathetic. Chocolate milk and garlic are both ambrosia, tomato juice and peas are the devil. Favourite day is Halloween. Never trade Ryan Nugent Hopkins. Used to get mistaken for a certain actor from Evanston, back in the ‘olden days'. Swears way more than he should. Co founder and Director for the Edmonton Music Awards. Artistic Director/Facility Supervisor by day, right wing wannabe working on his wrist shot by night, when life allows. Loves his partner and two kids immensely. Will never play Takin’ Care of Business, OR Paradise By the Dashboard Light, on this show, EVER. Pizza.
All over the map musically, but with a method to the madness. Join me, Sir Talks a Lot, as I feature songs of all kinds, tied together with a new theme each week, and the odd storyline with how I arrived there. Disclaimer: the goal is to actually NOT talk, a lot. And to let the music lead the way.